Paying by Direct Deposit
As part of the online enrolment process, select the “direct bank deposit” payment option.
If you choose this option you must deposit the full cost of the course into our bank account within 24 hours of making your booking.
Please send a copy of your bank deposit receipt to fax 02 9892 3662 or via email to
If you do not make the deposit within 24 hours your booking may be cancelled.
If you are booking on a course which commences within 24 hours of completing the online enrolment process, you must ring 02 9892 3370 to confirm payment arrangements.
Please include in the bank deposit reference field your surname AND enrolment ID (will be emailed to you immediately your online enrolment is completed)
Bank Account Details:
Sydney Safety Training
BSB: 032-102
Account: 938709
Reference: [your surname] [enrolment ID]